STAND UP- Fighting Cyberbullying by identifying it in the VET classroom
Project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034210
Project Duration: 01.02.2022 – 01.02.2024
About the project
STAND UP is a project focused on the fight against cyberbullying in VET, especially in IVET and middle VET. Cyberbullying is usually focused and studied only in primary and compulsory secondary education. Most of the available studies and materials are focused on students under sixteen years old corresponding to compulsory education, as is the case of Save the Children or Unicef studies. However, VET students, who are usually positioned between 16-24 years old, are not normally the subject of such studies, although if we look at the percentages of the 2017 Unicef study it is clear that bullying goes up as age goes up (there were 14% of participants victims of cyberbullying under 14 years old, and 15% under 16), from which it can be derived that students between 16 and 20 years old still need tools to help them in this area.

Project Results
R1 – Creation of a training specifically designed for VET trainers on how to detect and fight cyberbullying in the classroom, with content specifically designed for potential confinement situations and online education. The teacher training will be supported by practical content that helps teachers understand how to act in each potential situation, and how to promote a trusting classroom environment that helps potential victims of cyberbullying to come forward and seek help.
R2 – Creation of training designed specifically for students, in the form of visual and clear content to encourage students to pay attention and understand the information contained. The training will provide the student with information on how to act in the event of cyberbullying, as well as behavioural tools for those students who believe they are witnessing cyberbullying. The content of this training will be summarized in visual posters that will be shared on the project’s Instagram, to bring such content closer to the students.
R3 – Creation of a mobile application in which both the training content for teachers and the content for VET students will be available. The mobile application will also contain a database with contacts at regional, national and European level, a repository of useful resources available in the European Union (such as complementary applications, articles, reports…), and lists of factors that may denote a case of cyberbullying, to serve as a behavioural map in case of doubts of cyberbullying in the classroom